2012 Denver CO - Colorado Mineral and Fossil show (Fall)

See us at Room 287 of

 Ramada Plaza Hotel (formerly Holiday Inn - Central Denver), 4849 Bannock St, Denver, CO 80216-1813

during September 9-16, 2012


Jin at front of Tom Bradley International Terminal.

After more than 11 hours on airplane, we arrived at Los Angeles international airport.


At entrance of Windemere (formerly Quality Inn) - Bensen highway of Tucson. 

When we back to Tucson at September, we come to Quality Inn - our usual show location during Tucson show. We¡¯re surprised to find that it¡¯s name has been changed to Windemere. Anyway, we like this place and miss the time in past years.



After a short stop at Tucson, we start the way from Tucson to Denver at early morning.

It¡¯s a trip of nearly 2 days¡¯ driving, total around 1400 kilometers.


¡¯Welcome to New Mexico! - going from Arizona to Nex Mexico.


At noon, we stoped at a shop of Hatch New Mexico.


After more than 800 kilometers¡¯ driving at first day, we stopped at Days Inn at Las Vegas New Mexico.



Leaving Las Vegas, the road is great!


It¡¯s a little cold at early morning - Jin has a woolen sweater.



runing on I-25


runing on I-25


Yanna at from of our show room - 287 of Ramada Plaza (formerly Holiday Inn).


Jin with our minerals



Powerful selenite, great wulfenite and other fine specimens.


Denver show is good for us. Happy morning, happy dealers and happy passer-by.


Restaurant in Ramada Plaza - it¡¯s busy on early morning.



On the way from Denver back to Tucson.


Stop at a rest area on I-25


Again, ¡¯Welcome to New Mexico¡¯ - but it¡¯s going from Colorado to New Mexico. Lot of trees were burned, sadly.


Again, we stopped at Hatch.


¡¯Hatch Chile Express¡¯!


Artcraft and jewelry for sale in a small shop at Hatch.


¡®I like these ceramic jars!¡¯


Lightning and raining in the mountain area.


¡¯Welcome to Arizona - Grand Canyon State!¡¯


While approaching to Tucson, more and more cars and trucks on I-10.



A rest area on I-10 near Tucson.


We look around some houses at Tucson. This is one of the best houses in downtown area of Tucson.


Front of another house


back yard


pool at backyard


¡¯In-N-Out¡¯ - a fast-food restaurant at Tucson. The burger is delicious. Usually it¡¯s busy.


One of Fry¡¯s Food store at Tucson


It¡¯s busy - at the largest fleamarket of Tucson.


One of Apple stores at Tucson - why it¡¯s so busy?  We¡¯re told that it¡¯s the 1st day for iphone 5!


On way back to China, we have 12 hours¡¯ time at Los Angeles. Jin at front of Los Angeles Court Building.


Union Station of Los Angeles



We have had a good show at Denver. See you next year!



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